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UW-Baraboo Campus Arboretum


BRPA is finishing up another Arts, Humanities and Historic Preservation (AHHP) Grant from Sauk County UW-Extension as we continue our work in the UW-Baraboo/Sauk campus woods. Funding will enable us to accelerate our goal of conducting a large-scale habitat restoration that involves long term science projects done by the local biology classes and interested citizen volunteers. To date, we have had help from hundreds of local K-12 and university students.


Plant identification, invasive species removal, landscape management for wildlife, Wisconsin Bird City activities and ongoing scientific experiments that relate to new school curriculum are all potential fits for this land that is jointly owned by the County and the City of Baraboo. A big plus is the campus grounds are within walking distance of the majority of our students during normal school hours, so no money will be needed for busing to a distant location.


We feel that our efforts up at Boo-U can to turn this area into an arboretum that inspires both students and the surrounding community. It’s also an opportunity to highlight the spirit of UW's new LEED certified science building by engaging more of the residents with the campus and all that it has to offer.


This evolving initiative has come a long way since we partnered with former UW-Baraboo Professor Meg Steinweg and her independent studies student Ted Kuse to study and cut some buckthorn way back in early 2014. We deeply appreciate the support of everyone who has been involved and engaged along the way.


These photos from the last two years demonstrate our successful partnerships with UW-Baraboo biology Professors David Olson and Noah Anderson along with High School science teachers Spencer Rohlinger and Claire Gillick. Sauk County Soil Conservation Technician Serge Koenig is another valuable partner helping to work with the instructors' students at this site. We all worked together to build an erosion control structure utilizing actual horsepower and materials recycled from the grounds.

Top left photos:

Meg Steinweg and Ted Kuse,  High School indepentent studies student Caroline Schick, Boy Scout Troop 77

Many more photos can be found on our BRPA Facebook page timeline.

This Campus Arboretum Project is supported in part by a grant from the Sauk County UW-Extension Arts & Culture Committee and Wisconsin Arts Board with funds from the State of Wisconsin and the National Endowment for the Arts

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Click the acorns to learn about how Troop 77 celebrated their first 75 years with a BRPA project at this site

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 205

124 2nd Street, Room 33

Baraboo, WI 53913


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© 2024 Baraboo Range Preservation Association is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

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