2020 Cabin Fever Lecture Series
Wednesday February 12 Link to Jack's Presentation
Animated Maps and Other Resources from Jack's Lab
Ecological Responses to Climate Change: Lessons from the Past
Professor Jack Williams, UW-Madison Dept. of Geography and Center for Climate Research
How do species adapt to changing climates and how can we help them? Some of our best examples come from the end of the last ice age, when the world warmed by 5-10F. Jack will review how he studies past climates and ecosystems, what has been learned, and insights for today.
Sponsored by: Hiroshi & Arlene Kanno, Village Booksmith, Pat Bullard, Glenville Timberwrights,
Mary Luckhardt-Klemm, Badger Talks
Wednesday February 26 Link to David's Plant List
Native Shrubs & Trees for the Birds and Bees
David Stevens, Curator of Longenecker Horticultural Gardens, UW-Madison Arboretum
Learn about the rich variety of woody plants native to southern Wisconsin and the benefits of incorporating them into your home landscape to help attract and sustain a diversity of bird and pollinator species. David also helps his wife Jane, BRPA Board Member, run her 130-acre certified organic farm high atop the Baraboo Range.
Sponsored by: Terrence & Barbara McCormick, Minuteman Press Baraboo, Johnsen Insurance, Greenhalgh Legal Services, MBE CPAs
Wednesday March 11
Enhancing Soil Health through Policy and Practice
Professor Steve Ventura, Chair of the UW-Madison Agroecology Program
Healthy soils are fundamental to food security and provide numerous other ecosystem services, including water purification and carbon sequestration to mitigate climate change. This talk will introduce some of the practices, possible policies and incentives that could encourage adoption by farmers and land managers looking to rebuild their degraded soils.
Sponsored by: Cross, Jenks, Mercer & Maffei Law Firm, MSA Professional Services, the Grainery, Badger Talks
Wednesday March 25 Postponed Until ?
Movie Night: Trees in Trouble
A Documentary Film about America’s Urban Forests
Join us for our annual pizza party as we screen this 30 minute film that details how invasive insect pests like Emerald Ash Borer are killing thousands of Midwestern urban trees. Following the film there will be an informal discussion with local foresters about what they are seeing and how they are dealing with the EAB outbreak in the city of Baraboo and our surrounding forests.
Sponsored by: Gerd Muehllehner, Edward Jones Financial Advisor-Preston Baus, Annie Randall Memorial Book Club
Major funding for the series provided by the Arnold and Judith Utzinger Fund at the Greater Sauk County Community Foundation, Rotary Club of Baraboo, and members of the Baraboo Range Preservation Association.